Next Generation Hall and Putnam Refectory

A new 212,000-square-foot residential facility will house students participating in one of eight Living & Learning Communities – EcoHouse, Engineering House, Eurotech House, Innovation House, STEM Honors, Public Health House, ScHOLARS House, and WiMSE (Women in Math, Science & Engineering) House – who are developing skills in innovation and creativity to lead their generation. Construction began in November 2014, with a budget of $105 million and opening Fall 2016.

The existing 42,000-square-foot dining hall beside the new residence hall is undergoing $23 million in renovations to improve and increase its seating capacity and self-service buffet areas, making room for students who will live in the new Next Generation Residence Hall nearby. Construction began in September 2015, with completion targeted for Summer 2016.
